Why should you create an electronic circuit?

Many simple electronic circuit

My daughter has asked me: “What is an electronic circuit?” It is a combination of electronic components in a specific way. Whereby we connect it with the conductor wires for the electrical current to flow through.

Answered: It is a great activity for learning and hobbies.

What electronic circuit should we create?

Also, I have been teaching my children how to learn electronics for beginners. But, they sort of do not understand the theory. It is complicated and boring for the kids to understand. You may be like my children.

Ancient people once said that:

I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.

It is true.

Therefore, I believe that creating an electronic circuit will help us understand it easily.

Let me tell you about the basic electronic components list with images. If without knowing the name and how they work, then we cannot use them to build electronic circuits.

Very enjoyable Hobby

If you have free time, Electronics are a good way to spend your free time by creating simple electronic projects to improve your daily life.

But the most important thing does not to regret it whenever your projects have failed. It is your learning process.

LM317 Power supply

The first power supply that I created!

What is more? Look:

Interested Components

7805 regulators Most popular ICs for 5Vpower supply.

Experiment Electronics

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