We are homeschoolers. We have shared our experiences learning about electronics on this website. But we would need various electronic components, tools, and more. If you like our content and would like to see further site developments, please consider supporting us by:
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Of course, you will receive more content—complete illustrations and more—than the one on the website.
By Getting my E-books
Imagine you are walking past a house, and you see a middle-aged man working on woodwork with only hand tools. You already like this kind of woodworking. So you stood in front of his house and watched. He greeted you and invited you to see his work.
You saw his finished work put on display in a cabinet with price tags attached. Equivalent to the price of a single cup of coffee.
He lives a simple life and is happy with his work. He is not a businessman who produces the same work over and over again and sells it for a profit.
You want him to continue creating works like this.
You saw him drinking coffee in the afternoon, so you want to treat him to a cup.
But instead of driving to the city to buy coffee for your new friend, You only support him with the equivalent of a cup of coffee.
I like this concept. It reflects their friendship with each other.
If you want to support what my children and I do, Buy me a coffee 🙂
My Biggest Supporters
Thank God through Mr. Lennie Zink for a gift of money of about $200. It is a big power for us. I will keep forwarding this good thing to others.
Your e-waste is our great resource.
Electronic devices that you no longer use You just keep them at home. until your house is smaller. There is no free space. You may have a difficult life. Throwing it away is a good choice. But reusing them is a better action. I’ve received many electronic devices from my friends. It’s a great resource for our learning.
If you still have good memories of it, restore it to usefulness again.
In addition, if you are a manufacturer or distributor of electronic products. We welcome any donation of those tools or products. Of course, it will benefit everyone. Because we will use your products well. Please contact me by this email: [email protected]