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Contents list
- Experiment TL431 circuits as shunt regulators and more
- How Astable Multivibrator using Logic Gates work | Example Circuits
- Experiment increase current of 7805 with 2N3055 transistors
- Constant current circuit using transistors
- CD4017 datasheet & Pinout and working explained
- Recycling electronic circuit boards to build 5V Regulator
- -Transistor series voltage regulator with overload and short circuit protection
- DC to DC Buck converter working principle
- Simple 12V transistor switching power supply
- CD4047 Astable multivibrator circuit
- What is switching power supply vs linear, and how does it work?
- Toy Organ circuit using transistors
- Clock generator circuit, 60Hz oscillator using MM5369
- Continuity Tester Circuit with Buzzer and LED
- 1.2V AA Battery Solar Charger Circuit
- Simple Condenser Mic Preamplifier Circuit using 2N3904
- Non-contact AC voltage Detector using transistors and IC
- Low Voltage Battery Indicator circuit using LM339
- Automatic Solar Light circuit
- Simple Coin Toss Game circuits diagram
We love Power supplies!
- 0-30V Variable Power Supply at 3A
- 9V Regulated Power Supply Circuit Diagram
- USB 5V to 12V DC-DC Step-Up Converter circuit
- 5V Low Dropout Regulator Circuit using transistor and LED
- 3.7V to 5V Boost/Step-up DC converter circuit using MC34063
- 1.5V/3V Step down switching regulator(5V input) using KA34063
- 7805 Constant Current Battery Charger circuit
- Gel cell battery charger circuit
- How 741 Op-Amp Power supply Circuit works
- Simple Variable power supply circuit 0-30V 2A
All are compiled in this eBook.
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