DIY Flashing Bicycle LED Taillight Circuit

Lean Flashing Bicycle LED Taillight Circuits

Today we will be learning electronics through creating a simple circuit again. This time, it is the flashing bicycle LED taillight circuit. That will emit a flashing red light on the back of our bicycle to increase safety at night. We have designed this circuit with basic electronic principles in mind, so there would not … Read more

Simple Automatic Motion Sensor Light Circuit

learning automatic-motion sensor light circuit works

This is a Simple Automatic Motion Sensor Light Circuit. When we use battery electricity for lighting—even with LED light bulbs that consume very little power—for an extended period of time, it also drains much of the battery’s power. So, is there a way we could save as much electricity as possible? In some places where … Read more

Simple Solar light circuit version II using Li-ion battery

Solar light circuit

Previously, we had built the Automatic Solar Light circuit and had been using it for many months. It has fair efficiency for everyday lighting. But this circuit has two problems: a dim light level and batteries that are hard to find and quite expensive. But now my daughter has built this Simple solar light circuit … Read more