Op-amp LED flasher circuit – Oscillator circuit

This is an Op-amp LED flasher circuit that interesting. We have a lot of how to build dual LED flasher circuit. This is a good circuit that we seldom use them.

The two LEDs it will wink to alternate between a red LED and green LED. This circuit can work with IC LM324, by part of IC op-amp 4 pcs. number LM324 cheap build origin waves square circuit comes out 1 cycle per every second.

Op-amp LED flasher - oscillator circuit using LM324

For LED one by one resistors serial connection stays with LED one by that one be valuable differently, because of requirement Foreard voltage differently. If LED2 stick glowing bright , while again stick ,give enhance the value of R6 a little again. value expansion of R6 too much will go to decrease the brightness of LED2 down go to power supply can use 5V sizes or 6V-9V.

Read also: DIY Flashing Bicycle LED Taillight Circuit

This op-amp LED flasher circuit has worked because my son build them on bread board happily. See below.

Note: LM324 datasheet

OP-AMP Lamp flasher circuit

This is Circuit Christmas Tree Lights Flasher with 7812 for supply regulator
and IC LM380 for Signal generator dirve relay on-off the lamp two set.
detail other see circuit.

Christmas Tree Lights Flasher with 7812+LM380

The Christmas Tree Lights Flasher Circuit. It is Lamp flasher that interesting using LM380 for Oscillator generator
model Pulse Osc. Low Frequency for use relay switch give Lamp 220V. A lot of get for the accuracy of the circuit then must use IC 7812 DC voltage REG 12V And R1 use fine winking speed of all light bulb. The detail is other see in the circuit better.

Related circuit: 1.5V LED flasher circuit using transistor, output one LED to 5 LEDs with only one AAA battery.

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8 thoughts on “Op-amp LED flasher circuit – Oscillator circuit”

  1. I try testing your circuit diagram by using software but it is fail. I think may be have some problems such as in your diagram, pin 3 is (-) and 2 is (+) in software opposite!


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