5 Simple emergency light circuit | Many ideas
This is first mini emergency light of my son. It is very small, use LED display when power outage,use transistor instead relay use AA battery charger. Read more
This is first mini emergency light of my son. It is very small, use LED display when power outage,use transistor instead relay use AA battery charger. Read more
Do you have ever seen the xenon flash? It looks remarkable, stimulates the interest very well. Understand these to improve your skills. I trust you can do it. There are 3 xenon flash circuits. Although, these are easy and not more. But you may like it as a good basic teacher. First, let’s look at … Read more
Imagine you have a great Hi-Fi power amplifier. But it may not be colorful for you. We recommend this, high power music dancing light circuit. You may like it. You will see the lamp flashes according to the music. We do not dare to confirm that Is the best circuit. But at least there are … Read more
This is a circuit that features a running pace with a changing voice, the tiny microphone. For a frivolous fun. Read more
You cannot use fluorescent light bulbs with battery 6V, 12V. But 3 circuits of Fluorescent Driver help you, get ideas projects or learning. Read more