How simple series circuit works

When we look around the electronic circuits. What is the most type of circuits form? The series circuit is one of popular. Why? We are finding the answer. My son experiment on the simple series circuit. To understand current flow and voltage across all devices in the circuit.


Parts he will need

  • R2: 1K—more than 0.25 watts resistors, tolerance: 5%
  • R1: 100 ohms—Same with R2.
  • A variable DC power supply or 10V Fixed regulator.
  • A Breadboard—with at least 30 rows, inexpensive and useful.
  • Digital multimeter—voltmeter for finding the precise value of a voltage
  • Wire jumpers—use on a breadboard.

Make simple series circuit

What are the characteristics of a series circuit?

First of all, he builds the simple series circuit by using one resistor as Figure 1.

He installed all resistors into the breadboard. Then, apply the 10V power supply to the resistor-1K as a complete circuit.

Recommended: How to use a resistor

simplest electronics circuit
The simplest electronic circuit

In the circuit diagram, the voltage drop across R1-1K is 10V. Because it is connected in parallel with the battery, 10V.

But how many current R1 is using?

Series circuit current flow

Then, he measures a current of the resistor-1K as the Load of the circuit.
We will know the current that flows in the resistor.

Related: DIY Cheap Resistance Decade Circuit

series circuit current flow
Measure the current that flows through the resistor

Next, he connects the 100 ohms resistor in under 1K resistor as below.

Measuring voltage in series circuit

Measure voltage at the series form

He wants to know the voltage across each resistor.
So he uses the digital voltmeter measures voltage them.
The voltage across various resistor are different voltage, as follows.

  • First, the voltage across R1-1K is 9.28V
  • Second, the voltage across R2-2K is 0.933V
  • And, the voltage across both resistors, R1+R2  are  9.28V and 0.933V = 10.17V
    OR or this source voltage.

measuring current in various position

Then he measures current at various places.
As Figure 4 series circuit diagram

The Current flows various resistors
R1 = 0.009A
R2 = 0.009A
R1+R2 = 0.009A
Thus, all parts have current equal 0.009A

Also, here are a couple of related posts you should read, too:

Learning the series circuit for kids

Figure 5. He studies the series circuit by measuring voltage and current at various parts.

Important features of the series circuit.

  • Electric current flowing through the same and have the same direction throughout the entire circuit.
  • The total resistance of the circuit is equal to the sum of the individual resistances in the circuit together.
  • The voltage across various parts of the circuit. When taken then combined will equal the voltage at the source.

What is more?

Learning by example circuit is best.

Series circuit examples


I always try to make Electronics Learning Easy.

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