These are many Monostable multivibrators using 555 timers. We use them as timer circuits to control a load. For example, LEDs, or driver relay. Which trigger them by a normal switch. Please look at more below. I hope you are happy!

Here is the circuits diagram you can make that.
- Simple 555 timer with LED display
- Basic Timer Control circuit using NE555
- 555 IC Timer control relay Switch
- Egg timer circuits using IC-555
The 555 is good at making the timer. We often call it, 555 timers. It may be unique features of 555.
It is very easy to use. Just add a resistor and capacitor each one.
We so get a simple timer that can set the time as you want.
Recommended: How does NE555 timer circuit works
In the circuit below, take the 555 in the monostable multivibrator or the time delay circuit. It has the operation status of 2 levels. First, low voltage (logic “0”). Second, high voltage (logic “1”).
1. Simple 555 timer with LED display

In the circuit above. When press the switch S1. Pin 2 of IC-555 will be shorted to the ground. It is the trigger for IC-555 to active with the low voltage or logic “0”.
Then, the output pin 3 of IC gives the high voltage. It is the same as the power supply voltage. So, it makes LED1 glow up to show the time working.
This time can be set by changing the value of R2, C1, and VR1.
Below is a simple math equation.
For those who want to calculate the right time.
Time = 1.1 R2 x VR1 x C1
Also, You can set this time easily by adjusting the VR1.
Basic Timer Control circuit using NE555

As circuit below, we use LED display to show the timer circuit. But if we need to use others load.
For example, lamps, motors, and more.
In principle, the maximum current output of LM555 is about 200mA.
It has many ways to drive a high current load.
First, using transistors, easy and cheap. But it cannot use with AC load. Using the relay is the best way we like at all time. IC555 can drive the relay directly without helping of a transistor.
So easy and useful.
In the circuit above, to begin with,
Press the pushbutton switch-S1 just a brief moment. To start the Timing Cycle.
The relay will be pulled in. The current flow to the load. Until finishing the timing delay. The relay does not work.
R1 and C1 control the delay time. If more capacitance of C1, more time.
It is same as the above circuit. This circuit also responds to a logic pulse. Have fun with this simple timer circuit.
10S to 3 Min NE555 Timer Control circuit with Relay Switch

This circuit is similar to the second. It is another idea of 555 timers with a relay switch.
4. Egg timer circuits using 555

This mini timer circuit is interesting. Some called the Egg Timer circuit. Also, I use The famous 555 IC, LM555 or NE555 or equivalent. Using VR1 to adjust the timing of the egg timer.
The S1 is a selector switch.
First, set S1 to “standby”. Pin 2 of IC open up. IC does not work. The buzzer will be silent. While the current flows R1 to charges in C1.
Second, set S1 to “time”. In briefly, C1 discharged, Pin 2 closed to turns IC-555 on.
The buzzer will be silent until the delay is complete. Then, the buzzer will emit alert us immediately.
Increase C2 or VR1, R2 for longer delays.
5. Timer control 1-15 minutes using Triac 2N6075 and LM555-LM358
In most timer circuits. Often we use a transformer to reduce a low voltage down of 9V and 12V. And the relay to control the load.
See in circuit below, the 1-15 minute timer circuit.
It uses a TRIAC instead of electrical control, relay. This can be used with a 220V powerhouse. It is not connected to the transformer.
It causes this circuit is smaller and easy to use.
We will divide this circuit into 3 parts.
- Run with high-voltage level
- Use Timer and
- Control the electrical appliance.
When we enter 220V AC main to the circuit. There is a DC power supply R1, C1, D1, and ZD1. They run with a high-voltage level to reduce and keep the voltage to 10VDC.
This 10V input voltage is a power supply to IC1 No-555. Which it is a timer section. We set time by R3 and C3 at a specified time period as you want.
So, when a switch S1 (Start), IC1 work out as a pulse signal generator via the output pin 3 of IC1.
The VR1 is timer setting from 1-15 minutes. Then sent into the period to pin 2 of IC2 – LM358. Which it controls electrical appliances.
The output of IC2 a pin 1 has a higher voltage level of about 5V.
To stimulate the gate (G) of a TRIAC – T1.
Which a TRIAC acts as a switch on and off electrical appliances. When there is a voltage to G of TRIAC. It will conduct between MT1 and MT2 leads.
It result in appliances are working such as fluorescent light up.
And after that, time-out quits and IC2 to stop the flow with the TRIAC.
Also, we can stop the circuit. Or, IC2 stopped working, just press the switch S2 to reset or unplug the circuit.
I always try to make Electronics Learning Easy.
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“Minute Timer with alarm by IC555”
Thanks very much for you job,
But I think there is small error in this circuit, you must connect the C1 with the pin 5 not with pin 1,
but else all doing well , I try this circuit & I found simple & practical.
Hi i would like to make a timer that i can install into radio controlled aircraft. If one were to crash the aircraft and cant find it then after 15 min a buzzer will go off. it needs to run on a small 12v battery. Could anyone please help.
Thank you
To Philip -you posted 6 months ago. Anyways, use the first circuit. and just eliminate the switches and 5, 10 and 30 minute resistors???? Pretty obvious. You asked for help but noone has any way of contacting you except through another comment. Try google, try an electronics forum. Try looking at the schematics on this page. Try learning basic electronics. The most common 12v battery is a car battery. Try strapping that to your goddamn crappy RC plane.
can u pls tell me how to calculate the resistor n capacitor values for 10 sec dealy n pls give its relationship
how much voltage and current will be there in the output where buzzer is placed. Is the same circuit could be applied for ON-OFF a bulb of 12V??? what should be the supply voltage in such a case???
Hi Sellam,
Thanks for your correction, I first connected it with the error and after I read your comment, I corrected it (by connecting the C1 with the pin 5 not with pin 1) but it still did not work. I only used a 470K to have aprox. 5 minutes delay, but it does not work.
Could anyone help me out please?
Thanks in advance
I have a music player in my car that is powered from the ignition but it often fails to start correctly because the power gets cut briefly when I start my engine. I would like to use a 555 Timer to delay the 12v supply to the music player for about 30 seconds after switching on the ignition. Any help would be appreciated.
I need a basic cct digram for an oscillator;
24v input.
Off- adjustable 15 to 60+ seconds
On (pulse) 0,5 sec
I like to build a night switch that turns on 4 LEDs. So once it’s getting dark they should turn and keep burning for 3hours. Can anyone help please? Email: info a mxtan com
Thanks a lot!!!’
I’m finding a auto power on AC circuit.
It should have a AC input and a AC output.
It will be always connected to AC, and output AC will be on after a particular time.
or something like that.
Do you know something like this?
@Steve May24 2013
You sir are a knob of the highest order.
Please try the formula is T = 1.1 RC
For time you need.
In the Simple scheduling tool circuit
For I will adjust VR1 to time need.
i want to know how to get 12haur delay by using timer ic
can you help me please !
trying to make a 12v sports starter to operate a car horn!!
initiate by a momentary switch. power on for 0-2 seconds thengoes off ready for next start !
searched everywhere with no luck so far
you gais ar realy good, but what should i do if i want to make a bomb?
Hello, Allen Pitts
Thanks for your feedback. Yes, my English is poor. I try to rewrite it. I hope my English improve you can understand it.
is “Timer control 1-15 minutes by Triac 2N6075 and LM555-LM358” okay for 220V?
Yes, Be careful to use. It is connected to the AC line directly.
Buna ziua.Va scriu din Romania,as dori o schemă de temporizator automat fara acționare manuală.Ca exemplu să funcționeze un minut și să se oprească 10 minute.Schema poate fi cu 555 sau 556.Va felicit pentru munca care o faceți și va urez succes mult.Cu stima.
It’s great. Your message is exactly what I was looking for. A system that works intermittently requires 1 minute of work and 10 minutes of rest. We can use it for water pumps or other things. If I complete the experiment, I will inform you via email. Thank you.