Building Our Electronic Lab

I and my daughter love to learn electronics. She is getting started interested in it. Thanks a lot for spark learning of our friends. Is it helpful for everyone, and you? Yes, we are happy.

Now we test the electronic circuits in a 2×2 meter room. I partitioned the room with plywood, a small corner of a townhouse. Can you imagine? How are small! And, the sound of cars driving through the day.

Today our electronic lab

But we are satisfied and appreciate it. Because learning electronics in the area is very rewarding. We keep everything close at hand.

Of course, what we do (my daughter calls it “missions”) is growing more and more. until we don’t where the area will stand. LoL… We need to move to a new area, for this reason, etc.

We think that will move to the garden. But we have to build our own lab. Because we don’t have enough funds to hire craftsmen.

When completed, there will be an additional laboratory space of 4×5 meters, which should be enough for our work.

Electronic lab being built

Here is our electronic lab being built at 50% progress. Now it’s time to install the wallboards in the house.

It is a two-story elevated house. The electronic laboratory is at the top. The structure is steel. Because it is cheap and easy to build. At present, steel is easier to buy than wood.

The house is raised from the ground about 1 meter by brickwork and pouring concrete. because this area is highly flooded.

Building process

We build it ourselves because want to save labor costs.

There are easy steps as follows:

Started to build on Date 12-Feb-2021.

1# Grandmother and my daughter perform a ceremony of blessing to build a house smoothly.
2# Perform a ceremony to place the first pillar

3#Set up the first pillar
4# Our bricklayer 71-year-old grandmother
Step 6#

Waste management for the environment

I’d like to share my experiences in managing toxic waste in everyday life, such as plastic bags, foam boxes, light fluorescent bulbs, tires, plastic bottles, non-biodegradable waste. We’ll bury them under concrete floor to build our science labs. By doing this, we don’t throw these waste into the environment. And it also saves the cost of building this workshop.


I always try to make Electronics Learning Easy.

Get Ebook: Simple Electronics Vol.4

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